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Shop all styles of Christmas pillow covers  – these budget-friendly buys are perfect for changing your home decor for Christmas. Decorate with affordable throws and pillow covers.

Budget-Friendly Christmas Pillow Covers: 25 Insanely Affordable Christmas Pillow Covers: 18x18 for CHEAP!

Get 18×18 Christmas pillow covers for cheap!

I’m always on the hunt for new seasonal bargains, and I’m sharing my latest finds with you today.  Changing out your couch or bedroom throw pillow covers is probably the quickest and easiest way to switch up your seasonal decor and get ready for Christmas.

All of my picks are pillow COVERS, not actual pillows. I tend to prefer pillow covers for two reasons:

  1. Storage space for seasonal items is always limited, and we just don’t have room to house 20+ extra pillows that only get used for a few months of the year. I save space by changing out the covers.
  2. Kids. Nothing stays clean with kids around. When you use decorative pillow covers, cleaning is so much easier. Just unzip the cover and toss it in the laundry.

Decorating for Christmas is fun, but don’t forget that many pillows can do double-duty and last all winter long. Here are my picks for Winter Throw Pillows – Affordable Options for Every Style.

HEY! Where are the pillow covers in the picture I saw on Pinterest?

Oh, boy, do I have a LOT to say about this. Every year, I search for the best online deals on pillow covers. Then, in the blink of an eye they’re out of stock.

I try to update this blog post annually in order to share my latest (and hopefully in-stock) pictures. If a pillow isn’t listed below, that means it’s probably no longer available. I’m so Sorry!

Wait? Why are so many of your picks in bundle packs?

I have lots to say on this topic as well, but let’s all just chalk it up to inflation. You used to be able to order one pillow cover for under $5. I’m NOT kidding. A few years ago I ordered one for about $3.

Well, those days are gone. Many of these are still well under $5 each (in the bundle) or under $10 individually. If that’s a problem, get in line to file your complaints with Mr. Bezos, LOL!

Favorite Christmas Pillow Covers

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Just click on any image to be taken to its original source. I’ve personally ordered several of these pillows, and I’ve been pleased with the quality. HOWEVER – Please be sure to read the reviews. If anything has less than 4 stars, I would probably skip it.

Have fun with your Christmas decorating! I hope you love these pillows as much as I do.

If you’re a seasonal decorator on a budget, here are more ideas for you:

Don’t forget to PIN these Christmas Pillow Covers for Later:

Christmas Pillow Covers on a Budget

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