This recipe is an oldie, but a goodie. Seriously. My mom used this recipe with my sister and I when we were little. I’m so excited to be able to make this for the twins. Seriously, how happy does this little guy look?
Granted, at 20-months-old, playtime involving playdough comes with some pretty clear boundaries:
1 – One color at a time. I put time and effort into making this stuff. I like the colors I made. I specifically did NOT choose brown for a reason. Let’s keep it that way.
2 – Keep the playdough in one area. We play either in our booster seats at the kitchen counter, at our play table, or at the leather living room ottoman. No running around freely and unsupervised with playdough in hand. I don’t want to be writing a blog post about how to get smashed playdough out of your favorite rug!
We love combining playdough play and kitchen pretend play. I guess in the mind of a little one, playdough makes some pretty fantastic play food to stir and pour between bowls. The twins also think it is absolutely hilarious when I roll the playdough into a long, skinny “snake.” They hold it up gently, and laugh when it breaks.
Here’s the recipe. Keep scrolling for a printable recipe card.
1 – When stirring the playdough, it will look a bit like watery mashed potatoes. Keep stirring gently until a ball begins to form. You know the consistency you’re looking for.
2 – When mixing in the food coloring, please save yourself the embarrassment of blue hands, and wear gloves.
Here’s a printable PDF for you:
Homemade Playdough Recipe Card 3×5
Homemade Playdough Recipe Card 4×6
Aimee, you are amazing! I love seeing what you’ll come up with next. It’s also fun to see the twins having such a great time with your fun projects!
Thanks Vicky!
Of course we love to see ‘the little guy’ so happy and creatively playing, but I also love the storage jar idea:)
EVERY parent out there needs to make their own play doh, it is so much softer and easier to work with, AND it lasts WAAAY longer than store bought doh when stored in airtight containers.
Can’t wait to make this for Page! It’s also nice that IF they eat this, it’s not the worst thing in the world for them 🙂
HaHa… Robert put some in his mouth the other day and the salty taste must have caught him off guard. I thought he was going to cry!