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Printable (and Customizable!) PLay Credit Cards - Make a play wallet with customized cards for your child.

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I am super excited to share this printable today!  For one, I spent the better part of a lunch hour and evening playing around on PicMonkey to make it right.  Second, my kiddos loved it, so I’m sure yours will too!  But let’s start at the beginning…

It all started a couple of weeks ago when Miss. B. came down with a nasty virus.  Like, a high-fever-do-nothing-but-lay-on-the-couch-and-watch-Frozen-on-loop, virus.  So we went in to the doctor.  On this particular day, I forgot to wear my super-mom cap.  I was a bit off my game, and forgot to bring toys with in the diaper bag.  And with my luck, on this particular day the doctor was running WAY late.  Miss. B. was growing impatient.  I made a decision.  I gave her my wallet.  She was in heaven, and so was I, until…

Printable (and customizable too!) Play Credit Cards.

Yes, that IS a twenty dollar bill ripped in half.  Thank goodness for tape!  Miss. B. was entertained until the doctor came in, and I was spared a complete meltdown.  But then we got home, and she still wanted to play with my wallet.  I will admit, I am a weak mom.  I pick my battles, and I rarely actually pick a battle.  Miss. B. spent hours rearranging my credit cards in the slots, and I got to go on a scavenger hunt the next morning for the contents of my wallet.  Win-win, right?!?

Something needed to change.

I hopped on PicMonkey, and started playing around.  Here’s what I ended up with:

Printable (and customizable too!) Play Credit Cards.

Supply List

Update: Since I created these play credit cards, I have since purchased an laminating machine.  If you have little kids, I highly recommend buying one.  It’s quite inexpensive, and you can protect reusable worksheets and flashcards.

Get the FREE Printable:

How to Customize the Play Credit Cards

Download the free printable image, and open it in PicMonkey.  Watch this video tutorial for complete instructions:

The video references a cheat sheet for fonts, sizes, and colors. Here they are:

  • Driver’s License: Francois One – 80
  • “TarJay” Card: Arial Black – 35
  • Library Card: Eraser Dust – 75 (white font)
  • Black Credit Card: Lato – 95 (white font)
  • Zoo Card: TrashHand – 95 (color code is 533800)
  • Cash Card: Arial – 50

I took my images to FedEx Office, and had them printed on cardstock.  My home printer is OK, but by paying a few dollars, I knew I would have vibrant colors without those pesky printer lines.

Then I went to Wal-Mart to buy clear contact paper.  This is such a great trick for easy DIY laminating.  You just need to know where to look.  Although intuition may tell you to look with the craft supplies, this is not the case.  Clear contact paper is with all of the other colored contact paper and shelf liners with kitchen and home organization.  For about $5, you can laminate a whole bunch of projects!

Printable (and customizable too!) Play Credit Cards.

I also used my handy ” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow noopener noreferrer”>Fiskars punch that rounds corners for me.  This is totally optional.  You could just use scissors to round the corners.

Printable (and customizable too!) Play Credit Cards.

I cut out all of the cards, rounded the corners, and then covered them with contact paper.  I suppose I could have reversed the order.  It’s up to you.

Tip: Use a real credit card.  As I laid down the contact paper, I immediately went behind with a credit card to smooth out any air bubbles.

I hope your children like their play credit cards as much as mine do!

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Printable (and Customizable!) PLay Credit Cards - Make a play wallet with customized cards for your child.

Printable (and Customizable!) PLay Credit Cards - Make a play wallet with customized cards for your child.

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  1. Great idea, Aimee! Did you give her an old purse/wallet to arrange and rearrange them in? She’s an organizer, no doubt.

    1. Haha! Yes, she is an organizer! Mom actually brought over two old wallets for the twins to have. It was a total hit!

  2. Hi Aimee, This is such a cute and great idea for kids! I had lots of fun when I was younger filling out those little subscription cards that are in magazines. It taught me how to write really small and stay in the lines! Oh the things that parents do to keep their kids amused! I feel bad for that $20 bill though.

    1. Oh my gosh, my sister and I did the exact thing with grandma’s catalogs! I had completely forgotten about that…

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  4. Aren’t you so clever! This is a great idea and the tutorial is fabulous. Thank you for linking up at Wonderful Wed Blog Hop. Carrie, A Mother’s Shadow

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  6. Love the idea for kid wallet fillers. Ever thought to sell on Would be so much easier to purchase from you than make my own.

    1. Hi Gail. Thanks for the question. They absolutely could be shrunk down. I would recommend changing your print settings to have the PDF print two copies to a sheet.

  7. My daughter will LOVE these! I printed them and used clear contact paper from the dollar tree to cover them! Thanks SO much!

  8. You are awesome!!! My daughter just asked me this morning how to make “real” credit cards!!!
    Great tutorial- thank you

  9. Wow! Thanks so much for sharing this.

    My almost 4 year old is always asking me to hold his library card and athletic club cards. I kept telling him I’d get him his own but didn’t have the time to whip some up. Then I turned to Pinterest and found these! THANK YOU!


  10. I just saw this on Pinterest. What a terrific idea! I’ve been saving old bus passes and other ‘credit card’ type cards for the grandkids to play with. I love the ones you have made — they would make a great variety to what I have.

    I invite you to share this at my Party in Your PJs link party. It goes live tonight at 7:00 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time and runs through Saturday night at midnight. I hope you can make it and share this link — and a couple of others at Grandma Ideas

    Warmest regards,

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