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New Year’s is the time for resolutions, but goals and habits can be set and changed all year long.  Use these free habit and goal printables to help keep you on track.  Get ready to crush your goals this year!

Goal Setting Free Printables

The Big Three Method for Goal Setting

This batch of free printables is designed to work with what I like to call the Big Three Method for Goal Setting.  You can call it whatever you like, but the premise is simple.  Set three BIG goals for the year.

The point here is to focus on the “Big Three.”  Set three broad goals for the year – personal, professional, family, spiritual, fitness – anything at all.  But focus on just three.  You don’t want to make a list of 20 goals for the year, only to get overwhelmed or distracted trying to do too much.

Goal Printables

The Big Three Annual Goal Printables

Start by downloading the Yearly Goal Printables below and fill in your Big Three for the year:

Do you have your Big Three set? Good!  Now you’re ready to move on and dig deeper into these goals.  Break your big goals down into more manageable bite-sized chunks.  What can you do each month, then each week, to move you closer to your goal?

Monthly and Weekly Goal Printable Trackers

Click the download button below to get started with monthly and weekly goals:

But only three goals? That’s not nearly enough!

Well, you have two options here:

  1.  Set three goals.  Accomplish one in less than a year?  Great!  Don’t wait until next year to set new goals.  Pick a new goal to work on starting right now!  While you’re at it, don’t be afraid to re-evaluate your goals after a month or two.  You may find that you need to re-evaluate.
  2. If you do have smaller goals, or habits, that you want to establish now, keep reading about the Habit Tracker Printable.

Habit Tracker Printables

The Habit Trackers can serve two functions:

  1. In support of one of your Big Three, to keep you accountable on a weekly basis.
  2. To help you develop a new (small) habit that is outside the scope of one of your Big Three.

Habit Tracker Printables

Tape a full-sized Habit Tracker to your bathroom mirror or inside a kitchen cupboard.  Just click the download button below:

Or print them off 2 per sheet, cut them in half, and tape them in your planner:

Free Printable HabitTrackers

That’s it.  Print off these downloads, and get ready to crush your goals this year!

FREE Goal Setting Printables - Habit and Goal Printables

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