Follow this quick and easy video tutorial to see how to use the PicMonkey Hub so you can save and re-edit photos.
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You may not know this, but I don’t use any sort of fancy photo editing software for my blog photos. 99% of the photos that I take for The Crazy Craft Lady are edited in PicMonkey. It’s idiot-proof (read: easy to learn) and affordable. Yes, tons of options in PicMonkey are free, but I am happy to pay a few dollars per month to get the extra bells and whistles. It’s a phenomenal value!
BUT… something has always bothered me about PicMonkey – you can’t save your work and re-edit it later.
- What if I add text, only to find a typo later?
- What if I want to re-size an overlay?
- What if one of my children comes up and closes my screen while I am working (Yes, this happens on a fairly regular basis)
Well, tough luck! You would have to start all over with your design!!!
Until Now.
Ladies and Gentlemen, meet the PicMonkey Hub.
The long and short? Using the PicMonkey Hub, you can save designs on PicMonkey’s server, and then go back later to edit/adjust any of your designs. Want to see how it works? Watch the video below, and I will walk you through the whole process.
How to Save and Re-Edit Photos in PicMonkey Hub
(Sign up for PicMonkey here)
Yeah, so how much does this cost?
What do you think of this Hub option? Will it be a game-changer for you with Pinnable graphics and other designs? I would love to hear your thoughts!!
Good morning! Thanks for sharing this tutorial. I am new to using PicMonkey, so I am glad I came across this.
Lisa at Dreams and Caffeine
I’m so happy Lisa! I LOVE PicMonkey 🙂