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Here we go people.  It’s that time again. (insert announcer voice here)  One Room Challenge!ORC Guest Blue

For my regular readers (hi mom!), you may be wondering what’s going on.  Starting today, I will transform a space in my  home, my twin’s bedroom, from start to finish. Each Week, I will be sharing updates – process, tips, and sources. All of this will lead up to the final room reveal on Wednesday, November 11th. If this sounds a bit familiar, it may be because I did the same thing this past spring with my Cape Cod Master Bedroom.

Sound fun?  It is.  And the best part is this: there are a TON of other bloggers doing the same thing at the exact same time.  This means that there is a ton of decorating fun to follow and inspiration to be found.  Scroll to the end of this post for a link to all of the other bloggers participating and their awesome room plans!

Meet the Twins

Meet Robert and Brooklyn, aka: Sir R. and Miss. B.

PicMonkey Collage

Oh, and by the way… TODAY IS THEIR THIRD BIRTHDAY!!!  Happy Birthday Sir R. and Miss. B!

Aren’t they adorable?  OK, shameless mom bragging moment over.

The Sad Mom Before Pictures

Before I reveal the exciting “before” pictures, I need to say a few things.

I really am a good mom.  I swear.  I love my children more than anything on the planet (right after caffeine).  I try really hard to make good parenting decisions.  Healthy food (Wendy’s chicken nuggets are healthy, right?).  Limited TV time.  Educational toys.

But there are two of them to wrangle love and only one of me.  And they are super destructive energetic.  Many days I simply throw my hands in the air and give up make a conscious decision to prioritize quality family time over a clean house.

With that being said, here is the current state of the twins’ bedroom:

A Coastal Cool Twin Bedroom Makeover - the before

**Hangs head in shame**

Yep.  That’s their bedroom on a relatively good day.

It’s not that I haven’t tried.  I once had a great idea to do a safari/The Jungle Book theme.  I even spent the better part of a weekend and a bottle of wine cutting and hanging removable wallpaper in a giraffe pattern.  That lasted all of a few weeks.  Then the unspeakable happened, and the giraffe feature wall became a wad of crumpled up removable wallpaper prominently displayed on the floor in front of a half of a giraffe feature wall.

I have never been so torn between laughing and crying in my entire life.

I was so traumatized by the experience that I faced decorating paralysis for months.  But now I feel like I have recovered emotionally enough to make a second attempt at decorating this room.

The One Room Challenge Plan

Now for the fun part: the vision board!  Here it is:

A Coastal Cool Twin Bedroom Makeover - the vision board and plan

Like I said, the plan is “Coastal Cool.”  What exactly does that mean to me?  I’m thinking more West Coast… less Cape Cod or Hamptons coastal.  This room is a chance for me to take a few more chances and be a bit more bold than I would be in other rooms in my home.  Fun fact: I have an unnatural fear of color in home decor choices.  I’m working on it.  I think this room will be a true test for me.


Bright ocean and sky blues, white furniture, natural wood, and chartreuse – a color I have longed to incorporate in my home decor, but never really knew how.  I’m so excited about this!

Purchase Decisions

What we already have

What I’ve Ordered

What I’m “knocking off”

Thinking about ordering for our Seaside Theater

My “To Do List”

  • Repair curtains (see picture above, thank my kids)
  • Wall decals on main wall
  • Create a “Seaside Theater” in the corner with a stage for performing
  • Knock-off that West Elm rug
  • Make decisions re: bedding
  • DIY trundle bed using old crib mattress for little overnight guests

So there you have it!  The master plan, ready to be implemented in less than 6 weeks.  Wish me luck!!!

If you want more One Room Challenge inspiration, head on over to Calling it Home and check out what all of the other linking participants are up to!  Happy decorating!


  1. Oh man, I love the face-down giraffe in the room, pure destruction 😉 I love this theme and think it’ll be so awesome Amy!!

  2. Yours is the third twins room on this ORC I’ve come across so far! LOVE it!!!! Yours are adorable of course and I loved reading your post. Excited to follow along!

  3. I love this fresh gender neutral look for your kids bedroom! I have twin too, a buy & girl that are almost 7. I have also jointed in on the ORC fun! Good Luck, Hollie

  4. I love your inspiration and I’m excited that you are pushing yourself with some fun color…next thing you know you’ll be going bold in every room of your house (from someone with zero color fear ;)) But seriously, the plan looks perfect for your kids and they are super lucky!

    1. Hey, Angela. Thanks for the kind words. The plan is to gain confidence here and then do something really crazy in the lining room… like blue. Gasp! 🙂

  5. I have to start by saying that I don’t think the room is in that bad of shape. Truthfully, my bedroom is in a worse state than theirs and I don’t have kids (yet)! They are adorable and I love your inspiration. The banners on the canopy beds are my favorite part. Good luck and I’m looking forward to following along:)

    1. Ha! Thanks Teresa! It’s tough… the constant inner battle between wanting a beautiful home and letting my kids be kids 🙂

  6. I love your plan! This will be such a fun, cute room! And I especially dig the chartreuse–one of my favorite colors lately!!

  7. Pingback: One Room Challenge Week 2: Seeing Triangles - The Crazy Craft Lady
  8. Pingback: One Room Challenge Week 3: Chugging Along - The Crazy Craft Lady
  9. Pingback: A Coastal Cool Twin Bedroom: The Big Reveal - The Crazy Craft Lady
  10. Pingback: One Room Challenge Week 4: Oaring Around - The Crazy Craft Lady
  11. Pingback: The Best of 2015 - The Crazy Craft Lady

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