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See what to pack – photography equipment, supplies, and DIY photo props – for a fun summer 4th of July photo shoot for kids

4th of July baby photo shoot - the Crazy Craft Lady

It’s the last of the twins’ “firsts” as far as major holidays are concerned.  Since the weather is finally making it feel like summer, I wanted to take R & B to the park to play in the grass and take some pictures.  I really wanted to capture their first experience feeling grass, and I thought some 4th of July themed pictures would be cute.  Well, this little trip to the park may have gotten a bit out of control (in a good way).

On Thursday afternoon, after getting new checkered outfits at the mall, I swung by the craft store to pick up some props.  I bought two mini American flags and an unfinished wooden plaque in the shape of an arrow.

That night, after the twins went to bed, I stayed up painting.  I decided on the words “this way to the fireworks show.”  After a minor paint air bubble incident and a couple of hours, I had a finished product.  Side Note: I used Martha Stewart multi-surface SATIN acrylic craft paint in “tartan red” and “greek tile.”

4th of July baby photo shoot - the Crazy Craft Lady

The next morning, I packed a bag full of all my supplies, put the twins in their checkered outfits, and headed to the park.  We only stayed for about 45 minutes.  I think the babies went on sensory-overload.  When I set Miss. B. in the grass, she looked utterly terrified.  Both babies were getting tired, so we went home for a nap and a more familiar setting.  But we weren’t finished yet.

4th of July baby photo shoot - the Crazy Craft Lady

That afternoon, my mom came over to visit the twins.  We went back to the park and took more shots.  It was nice to have an extra set of hands (especially when taking pictures on the bench and on the dock).  After another 45 minutes, I had 400 pictures to sort and edit.  Here are my absolute favorites:

4th of July baby photo shoot - the Crazy Craft Lady

4th of July baby photo shoot - the Crazy Craft Lady

4th of July baby photo shoot - the Crazy Craft Lady

4th of July baby photo shoot - the Crazy Craft Lady

4th of July baby photo shoot - the Crazy Craft Lady

More 4th of July Crafts:


  1. They are way too cute! I love all of the pics and the editing, you do such a good job with all of the photos. I still need to learn how to take good pics…..someday…….

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