Make a personalized kids apron with your “kitchen helpers”. They will love customizing their own aprons with hand prints and paint!
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As a mother of 4.5-year-old twins, many of our family memories are made in the kitchen with my two little “kitchen helpers”. Little hands love to help measure, pour, and stir, while developing an appreciation for cooking and spending quality family time together. But up until now, we have been missing one thing: kitchen aprons.
As you can probably tell, this project got a little bit messy. The kiddos had to wash their hands thoroughly between each color of paint, and I knew exactly what product I could count on to clean our hands, without leaving them feeling dry.
I selected Shea & Cocoa Butter along with Aloe Water & Lime. Softsoap Hand Wash Plus Lotion is the only hand wash made with a touch of lotion. It left my little helpers’ hands feeling clean and soft, even after multiple washes and paint colors!
Here’s what you will need to make these personalized kids aprons:
- child size plain apron (available at many craft supply stores)
- soft fabric paint in various colors
- large craft paint brush
- Softsoap Hand Wash Plus Lotion
If you have more than one child, I would strongly recommend having another grown up to help. Kids are fast, and quite frankly I don’t really trust them with paint-covered hands!
We did this craft project during a play date at grandma’s house. Thanks Grandma for helping out! You are definitely one of our favorite crafting partners.
Place a small amount of fabric paint on a plate. Brush a generous layer of paint onto your child’s hand.
(note: I would recommend putting down newspaper to protect your work surface. The paint can bleed through the fabric.)
Let your child make a couple of hand prints on the apron. Then reapply paint for more hand prints.
Wash your hands well between paint colors. It may help to have a grown up with a washcloth help with this. The paint around the edge of our hands began to dry, making it a little trickier to wash off.
Pick another color of fabric paint, and repeat the process of making hand prints.
How cute are our new kitchen aprons? The twins are so excited to have new aprons to use when they help me in the kitchen!

DIY Hand Print Kids Kitchen Aprons
Make a personalized kids apron with your “kitchen helpers”. They will love customizing their own aprons with hand prints and paint!
- Child size plain apron (available at many craft supply stores)
- Soft fabric paint in various colors
- Large craft paint brush
- Softsoap Hand Wash Plus Lotion
- Place a small amount of fabric paint on a plate. Brush a generous layer of paint onto your child’s hand.
(note: I would recommend putting down newspaper to protect your work surface. The paint can bleed through the fabric.) - Let your child make a couple of hand prints on the apron. Then reapply paint for more hand prints.
- Wash your hands well between paint colors. It may help to have a grown up with a washcloth help with this. The paint around the edge of our hands began to dry, making it a little trickier to wash off.
- Pick another color of fabric paint, and repeat the process of making hand prints.
What a cute and fun project. My kids would love to do this. Might be a good one for our summer activities, but we’ll definitely have to be careful! It looks messy. 🙂 {client}