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ORC - feature image

Welcome back to week 3 of my One Room Challenge.  If you’re new, here’s a quick run down.  The One Room Challenge is a 6-week design challenge where participants have (you guessed it!) 6 weeks to complete one room.

In week 1,  I introduced you to my plan for a Cape Cod themed bedroom.  You can read all about it here.

Mood Board for a Cape Cod inspired master bedroom

In week 2, I “zoned out and lightened up.”  I created a designated reading corner (zone) and lightened up my furniture.  No more black and dark stain… Hello white and bright!  You can read all about it here.

So here we are at week 3.  This week has been a bit different.  I don’t have much visible design progress to show you, but boy do I feel accomplished.  That’s because this week, I got organized!

There is no point in going through the effort of designing a beautiful space, if it’s going to be filled with clutter.  Since I swapped out dressers last week, the clutter problem had only magnified.

I began by doing another 100 item challenge.  What’s that, you ask?  The short version is this: get rid of 100 items (click here for a more).  The challenge was a success.  I was able to get rid of piles of clothes, shoes, books, and even some craft supplies that I don’t use.

Take the 100 item challange - donate, recycle, or throw out 100 items today!

Then I moved onto the new dresser.  I filled the drawers with craft supplies.  Now my hall closet is freed up, not to mention the pile of “stuff” that had taken up residence in the corner of my room.

The One Room Challenge Week 3 - a Cape Cod inspired bedroom - Getting Organized.

The One Room Challenge Week 3 - a Cape Cod inspired bedroom - Getting Organized.

The One Room Challenge Week 3 - a Cape Cod inspired bedroom - Getting Organized.

I was also able to stash my current pile of books to read in the little ottoman by my reading chair. That way, everything is right there when I need it.

The One Room Challenge Week 3 - a Cape Cod inspired bedroom - Getting Organized.

The One Room Challenge Week 3 - a Cape Cod inspired bedroom.

On to the closets!

My first closet is pretty well set.  I converted it into a cloffice (office it a closet) a few months back.  You can check out all of the details here.

Home office in a closet from The Crazy Craft Lady. Tons of organized storage solutions packed into a tiny, yet functional space.

My clothes closet, however, needed a bit more work.

I began with my semi-annual seasonal clothes swap.  If you’re from the south or other warm weather area, this may seem like a bizarre concept.  For those of us that live in areas where half of the year is spent in tundra-like conditions, we need two wardrobes: summer and winter.  Twice a year, we get to swap out our wardrobes.

Ok, it’s not that drastic.  I just keep a few under-bed storage containers.  I swap out my heavy sweaters and wool socks for shorts and dresses.  I may have been a tad early this year, though.  It snowed on Saturday.  But I do have high hopes for this weekend.  Tank top weather, here we come!

With my wardrobes swapped, I proceeded with organizing my closet.  I bought some new cube storage containers, and did some serious rearranging.  So. Much. Better.

The One Room Challenge Week 3 - a Cape Cod inspired bedroom - Getting Organized.

There you have it!  Like I said, not much decorating going on this week.  I feel so much more organized and clutter free, though.  It’s amazing how a  little clutter control and organizing can be a serious energy changer.  I’m definitely ready to tackle the next couple of weeks.

Speaking of that, would you like a sneak peek at next week?

Next week’s theme is “to the window, to the wall.”  I have to cover my windows and walls, which started out very blank and very cream.  Here’s a peek at what I have going on with the wall behind my bed.

The One Room Challenge Week 3 - a Cape Cod inspired bedroom - Getting Organized.

Stay tuned next week for more design progress.  Until then, head on over to Calling it Home to see what all of the other design challenge participants have been up to.  Have a great week!


  1. Pingback: One Room Challenge Week 5 - Finish Line is in Sight - The Crazy Craft Lady
  2. Pingback: Master Bedroom Reveal - One Room Challenge Week 6 - The Crazy Craft Lady

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