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ORC-LP-250x183Hey there bloggy friends.  If you’re stopping by from over at the One Room Challenge link up, welcome!  Thanks for stopping by.  Leave a comment and say “Hi,” so I know you were here.  I can’t wait to see what you all create over the next six weeks.

I have big bedroom plans coming up, and I am so excited to share with you all.  I am participating in the One Room Challenge from Calling it Home.  The challenge is to transform a space in my home in six weeks.  During this time, with a new post each Wednesday, I will share my plans and progress leading up to the grand finale – my master bedroom room reveal!

If you want to follow along and see what other bloggers are creating, head on over to Calling it Home.  There are links to all of the room transformation projects, and it’s pretty darn inspiring.


First things first.  The before pictures.  Lower your home decor expectations and step into my bedroom.

One Room Challenge - Bedroom Makeover - Before Pictures

Yep, that’s my bedroom.  On a good day.  A really good day.  Like, the best day after I spent 30 minutes cleaning.

I actually started thinking about my room about six months ago when we moved in.  I even went so far as to paint my bed frame.  It used to be a distressed cream, and I painted it with black chalk paint.  Then, nothing.  I have been at a creative standstill for months.

It’s a good thing I’m doing this challenge.  It’s just the kick in the butt that I need to finish this room!

My bedroom is the only room in the house that is off limits to the twins (except for when R wakes up at night and needs a snuggle… I’m totally whipped).  This means that craft projects and other things that I want to keep safe from two toddlers tend to pile up in my room.  No bueno.

Case in point:

One Room Challenge - Bedroom Makeover

And like I said, this is a good day.

The Grand Plan

I really want to brighten up my bedroom in a major way.  I truly believe I was meant to live by the sea.  Since that’s not going to happen any time soon, I thought I would bring the sea to me.

Introducing, my Cape Cod inspired bedroom mood board.

Cape Cod Inspired Bedroom Mood Board for the One Room Challenge

Step One: Zone Out

My room is a decent size (roughly 12′ x 14′) with two closets.  I want to create different “zones” so I can really make the most of a space that is all mine.  My bed will be the sleeping zone, obviously.  An armchair added in the corner will be my reading zone.  Then, the sideboard table will get a makeover to be used as craft storage to be used in conjunction with my home office in a closet.

Step Two: Get Organized

One closet is spoken for, but the other one could probably use some help to maximize its storage potential.

In my effort to lighten up the room, the sideboard table may end up with a fresh coat of white paint.  Then I will have a great place to store my craft supplies that are currently taking up space in my hall closet. It’s not an ideal situation, but it’s a great piece of furniture that I’m stuck with – and it doesn’t work in our living room.

One Room Challenge - Bedroom Makeover

Since my current night stand situation is pretty much non-existent, that will need to be addressed.  I will need plenty of storage for my nighttime reading habit.

Step Three: From the Window, to the Wall

I literally have nothing on my walls.  Not. A. Thing.  So that’s going to change.  I would like to try a DIY wall art piece inspired by Cape Cod gray cedar shingles.  I also want to add some map decor.

Then there are window treatments…. It’s a good thing I have a few weeks before I have to report back on that one.  I’m still completely uninspired in that area.

Step Four: Textile & Detail

Bedding.  New window treatments.  A Rug.  Pillows.  Just a little bit of color.

My mood board may seem pretty neutral, but for me it’s a big deal.  I tend to gravitate to all neutrals… Boring!  In all honesty though, I do have a ridiculous fear of color.   Two shades of teal is a really big deal for me.  Baby steps, people!


So that’s the grand plan!  Stay tuned for updates along the way.  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. LOVE where you’re going with this! The colours your working with are SO tranquil, just what a busy Mama needs! Looking forward to following along Aimee!!!

  2. The teal is a really pretty color. I hope you love it because I bet it’s going to be beautiful in the space you’ve designed.

  3. It’s going to be awesome Aimee, I can’t wait to see what you do! I’m doing a bedroom too, with a similar restful feeling…should be fun…and best of luck we both finish our makeovers 🙂

  4. LOVE it! We have very similar taste! Actually, that is the same rug I have in our living room 🙂 So excited to see what you do with it!

  5. Pingback: Favorite Things Friday {10 Design Plans sure to Inspire} - making it in the mountainsmaking it in the mountains
  6. I think it’s great to have a space of your own, and the colors you’ve chosen sound like what YOU like. They are so peaceful, which every mama needs sometimes. Good luck. I decided to join in the challenge too. Love that so many people are joining in the fun.

  7. It doesn’t take a LOT of color to be inspired by it in some way. Just a little splash of color in just the right places can make a HUGE difference……………….best of luck with your challenge, can’t wait to follow along!

  8. Pingback: One Room Challenge Week 2 - Zone Out and Lighten Up - The Crazy Craft Lady
  9. Pingback: One Room Challenge Week 3 - Get Organized - The Crazy Craft Lady
  10. Pingback: One Room Challenge Week 4 - Windows & Walls - The Crazy Craft Lady
  11. Pingback: One Room Challenge Week 5 - Finish Line is in Sight - The Crazy Craft Lady
  12. Pingback: Affordable Whale Decor - The Crazy Craft Lady
  13. Pingback: Master Bedroom Reveal - One Room Challenge Week 6 - The Crazy Craft Lady
  14. Pingback: The Best of 2015 - The Crazy Craft Lady
  15. The room is looking really elegant and eye catching, the theme is very perfect and the most great is your bed. Its look minimalist and simply perfect for a small room.

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