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I absolutely love to read.  Like many of you, though, I feel like this is one thing that gets pushed to the back burner when we are busy.  How many people just say, “I don’t have time to read.”  Well, neither do I.  Really.  BUT, somehow I manage to read a new book or two a month, without breaking a sweat.

What’s my secret?  It’s nothing complicated.  It’s just about re-prioritizing a little bit of time each day and getting savvy with technology.Finding Time to Read - simple and practical tips and tricks to help you find the time to read every single day.

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Finding Time to Read - simple and practical tips and tricks to help you find the time to read every single day.

Make (a little bit of) Time in the Morning

I recently read the book The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM). It has really transformed how I use my morning time.  I’m not totally crazy over the writer’s style or strictly following his hour-long morning routine.  But, it is a great starting point to jump start your mornings and make you more productive. 

If you want to make better use of your morning time, I would highly encourage you to read this book and follow his morning routine for a few weeks.  It will help you establish a new morning routine, and then you can tweak his morning routine to find what works for you.  Which leads me to…

Make Time in the Morning!

I’m not talking about reading several chapters of a long novel right away in the morning.  My mind is most fresh at the beginning of the day, so I use 10-15 minutes of reading time to set the tone for my day.

Am I spending the day at home with the twins?  Then I’m going to read a few pages from my parenting devotional on my bedside table.

Do I have a full day at the office?  Then I’m going to check out my favorite professional blogs or a bit of a workbook I’m working through.

Am I spending a full day catching up on things around the house and blogging?  Then a few pages of The War of Art is in order.

Do you get the pattern here?  Even 10 minutes at the start of your day can make a huge difference.  I keep my “morning reading” books right by me bed, but do what works for you.

Finding Time to Read - simple and practical tips and tricks to help you find the time to read every single day.

Making Space to Read

What’s the saying?  “If you build it, they will come.”

If you create the space to read, you will use that space.  Simple enough.  If you have a dedicated space and you aren’t using it, ask yourself why.  Is it not comfortable?  Is is in an inconvenient part of your home?  Figure out the why and create a space that works for you.

Finding Time to Read - simple and practical tips and tricks to help you find the time to read every single day.

I have a dedicated reading corner in my bedroom.  It’s nothing fancy.  It’s just a comfy chair in the corner and usually a seasonal throw and pillow.  It’s my place.

Utilize Audio Books

This is my number one method of reading lately.  It’s just so darn convenient, and it really fits with my current lifestyle.

I’m not talking about books on tape or CD, here.  While those books are a great resource for many people, I’m looking to simplify my life.  This means having less stuff – like a pile of audio CDs in my car.

I am, however, a huge fan of Audible.  It’s an Amazon company, which was it’s biggest selling point.  I have a Prime membership, the kids have Kindle Fires, and everything is all linked to one account.  Super easy.  The audible app is installed on my iPhone, which for better or worse, it basically permanently attached to my body.  Convenient.

audible screen shot

When do I listen to Audible?  Hmm.. let’s see:

During my commute to/from work


When I’m ironing/cleaning/doing dishes


When I’m working on a new craft project

Finding Time to Read - simple and practical tips and tricks to help you find the time to read every single day.

Basically, whenever I am in a position where my hands are busy, but my mind is not.  I’m not saying I always listen to Audible whenever I can. I like my Pandora app too!  But, this is by far the easiest way for me to sneak in a new book or two a month without setting aside dedicated reading time.

Like I said, I’m a fan of Audible. it just makes the most sense for me.  The app is right on my iPhone, and there are convenient subscription options (or you can buy individual books, too).  If you’re not sure how you feel about audio books, they offer a free 30-day trial.

audible free trial

So there you have it.  Now, go get reading!  But first, I’d love to hear your tips for finding reading time… and leave a good book recommendation too!

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